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• Family as the main pillar to preserve human dignity in the contemporary Muslim world
• Marriage and human dignity in the Muslim family, celibacy and its challenges in the contemporary world
• The function of Hijab in the stability of Muslim family, the significance of Hijab in the maintenance of human dignity
• Islamic sexual ethics in the contemporary world
• Muslim family, cyberspace and entertainment in the contemporary world
• The challenges of the contemporary world for a Muslim family; immigration, abortion, revolutionary transformations in science, population, minority groups…..
• Family and the newly-emerged relations in the contemporary world; adoption, surrogacy, artificial insemination, oocyte donation, fetus donation
• The economics of the Muslim family; mothers with a job, Halal industry…..


no substantial part of the paper should not have been published elsewhere before the submission and during the revision time. Covering letter contains:
- The manuscript title should cover the research and be typed in Bold.

- Author and/or authors' name/s, their highest academic degrees (MD, Ph.D., ...), academic rank and department/s should be written after the title.

- Affiliations of author/s including Department, School, University or Research Center must be completely mentioned in the submitted paper.

- The complete address of the corresponding author will be submitted in the first page for scientific contact. This address includes telephone numbers, zip code, e-mail, and fax number.

- The manuscript should contain a running title (maximum 50 characters) at the top of each page.

Guide for Author

1- Article language
*Articles must be written based on English rules and grammars.

2-Types of articles that this Congress accepts:
Research Article, Review Essay, Commentaries, Review Article, Case- Study, Methodology, Applied Articles, Conceptual paper, Book Reviews and letter to Editor-in-Chief.
*Review articles are accepted from people who have enough experience and a thorough insight of a particular topic, with reference to the acceptable number of published articles by the authors.

3- Structure of Articles
The manuscript should include:

A. Title
The title should be short, specific and informative.

B. Author(s)
*Name and full contact address of the author(s) including name, address, employment, phone number, e-mail address & ORCID- should be sent.
*Name and full contact address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent (labeled: Corresponding author)
*To preserve anonymity, information on the authors cannot be submitted together with the text but should be sent by other files attached.

C. Abstract
*Abstract must have about 250-300 words. The abstract should contain the justification of the undertaken topic, the aim of the study, the methodology used in the study, the main results and conclusions/recommendations.
* Write from 5 to 8 keywords.

D. Introduction
The introduction should contain:
- Main issue,
- Importance,
- Necessity,
- Main and sub-objectives,
- Main and sub-questions

E. Literature Review

F. Methodology

G. Conceptual & Theoretical Framework (analytical model)

H. Discussion

I. Conclusion

J. Acknowledgment (if needed)
*The manuscript should not be less that 4000 words or exceed 6000 words.

K. References
- The number of citations at the end of research should coincide with the cited numbers in the text. The number of figures and tables in the text and references should also be the same.

- References should be numbered consecutively with APA style. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.)
* In-text citations from books or journal articles should be made in parentheses at the end of a quotation or paraphrase in the following format.

(Author’s last name, year of publication, volume, page number).
Examples: (Waterstone, 2014, p. 81); (Castell, 1996, vol. 2, p. 43).
- All other references to the same source should follow the same format and should not use “ibid” or other abbreviations.

- In case references are made to more than one source by the same author published in the same year, letters of alphabet should be used to differentiate the works. (e.g.: Morgan, 2015a and Morgan, 2015b).

- All Arabic or Persian names or titles should be transliterated to English alphabets based on the transliteration rules provided in this journal.

- All extra notes and Persian or Arabic equivalents of proper names or concepts should be placed under “Notes” section at the end of the manuscript. Citations in this section too should follow the same rules mentioned under item 1 above.

- A “bibliography” at the end of the manuscript should provide an alphabetical list of all sources cited in the following format. Arabic or Persian sources must be transliterated and placed in the same alphabetical order as other sources. 

* Books:
Author’s last name, first name (Year of Publication). Title of Work, Place of Publication: Publisher, volume, edition.
Example: Chomsky N (2007) What We Say Goes: Conversations on US Power in a Changing World. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.

* Journal articles:
Author’s last name, first name (Publication Year). “Article title.” Periodical          Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.
Example: Shapiro, Stewart (2002). “Incompleteness and Inconsistency,” Mind, vol. 111 (444), 817-832.

* Articles in a reader or encyclopedia:
Author’s last name, first name (Publication Year). “Article title,” Title of the book, editor’s name, place of publication: publisher, volume, edition.
Example: Giddens, Anthony (2000). "The Social Revolutions of Our Time," Contemporary Political Sociology, Kate Nash (ed.), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

* Book Reviews:
Dent-Read, C., & Zukow-Goldring, P. (2001). Is modeling knowing? [Review of the book Models of cognitive development, by K. Richardson]. American Journal of Psychology, 114, 126-133.

* Blog post:
Lincoln, D. S. (2009, January 23). The likeness and sameness of the ones in the middle.
[Web log post]. Retrieved from

* Website with no author or date of publication:
Census data revisited. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2009, from Harvard, Psychology of
Population website, Do not include retrieval dates unless the source material may change over time. If no DOI has been assigned to the content, provide the homepage URL.

- References should be numbered sequentially in the text, and then written consequently on a separate page at the end of the paper as follows.

- All illustrations (diagrams, charts, figures, tables) should be correctly labeled & numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals. They should also have a title above and an explanatory footnote below (source).

* In adjusting tables, figures and pictures the following points should be followed:
- Table information should not be represented as picture and figure in the article. Numbers and titles of tables should be written on the tables and the title of maps, pictures and figures should be written under the table.

- Each column should have its title and unit of measurement. All of the columns numbers should have unit measure.

- Pictures and maps should be clear, and should have scale.

4- Editing tips
* The manuscript should be typed on Word 2003 or higher version and should provide enough space between lines and on the margins for editing purposes.

- Line spacing across the entire paper is 1 unit.

- Texts should be typed with the Times New Roman font.

-Abbreviated words and phrases should be spelled out when first used.



Article Title

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Other titles

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