"Human Dignity and the Challenges of the Family in the Contemporary World"
Fundamental characteristics and advantages of the Muslim family in today’s world.
The connection between traditional and modern family and tribal models, and human dignity and social unity.
The role of family in Islamic education and upbringing.
The contributions of family and competing institutions to the Islamic upbringing of boys and girls.
Women's rights in Islam and the duties of spouses in a Muslim family.
Feminist perspectives in Islamic family studies (legal, social, economic, etc.).
The importance of considering the objectives of Sharia in Islamic family studies.
The interaction of the Muslim family with power and political institutions in both Islamic and non-Islamic countries.
The role of family in creating social capital and aiding identity formation for youth.
The formation of family in today’s world: a necessity or an option?
Early and delayed marriages among Muslim youth.
Challenges of interfaith marriages involving Muslims in today’s world.
Inter-denominations marriages in Muslim societies and their lived experiences across countries.
Singleness and abstention from marriage and its contradiction with a Muslim lifestyle.
Emotional divorce and its contradiction with a Muslim lifestyle.
Cohabitation, marriage- like relationships and its consequences.
Substituting pets for family relationships.
Homosexuality and Muslim responses to its dimensions in the contemporary world.
Perspectives on hijab across religions, denominations, ethnic groups, and Muslim and non-Muslim nations.
Legal strategies to confront hijab bans in Western countries.
Cultural and social foundations and impacts of hijab bans in the Western countries.
Hijab in the cultures and laws of Islamic countries compared with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The relationship between hijab, modest living, and social and psychological well-being.
Islam and the sexual education of children before marriage in today’s world.
Methods for promoting Islamic sexual ethics in the contemporary world.
Safeguarding human dignity through Islamic sexual ethics.
The impact of sexual freedom movements in the modern West on Muslim families.
The Islamic perspective on gender reassignment and its implications for Muslim families.
Sexual assault and difference in definitions in Islam and the West.
The architecture of contemporary homes and Islamic values of modesty.
Opportunities and challenges of virtual media and social networks for Muslim families.
The influence of virtual spaces on strengthening or weakening the Islamic family.
Contemporary Western cinema and its challenges for Muslim families.
Recreational activities and entertainment for Muslim families in contemporary cities.
Characteristics and social engagement models for Muslim youth in today’s society.
Media pornography and its social, psychological, and cultural effects on family relations.
Abortion's context and consequences from the perspective of Islamic denominations.
The impact of scientific advancements on family-related religious and legal rulings (e.g., waiting period, inheritance, alimony, dowry, guardianship).
The generational gap between parents and children in Muslim families.
Various aspects of security for Muslims in relation to demographics and birth rates.
Population changes and the issue of aging in Muslim societies.
Muslim families’ migration to non-Muslim societies and overcoming related challenges.
Challenges and opportunities for Muslim minorities in non-Muslim societies.
Adoption in Muslim families and its cultural, social, legal, and religious aspects.
Cultural, social, legal, and religious dimensions of surrogacy.
Cultural, social, legal, and religious aspects of artificial insemination and reproduction.
Egg and embryo donation: cultural, social, legal, and religious dimensions.
The nature of family lineage in relation to these new methods.
Opportunities and challenges of the halal industry for Islamic lifestyles.
Financial responsibilities within the Muslim family: man, woman, or both?
The relationship between family economy models and Islamic lifestyle.
The significance of motherhood in the Muslim family and the challenge of working mothers and wives.
The role of parents, the foundations of marriage, and the influence of virtual environments on marriage from the Quranic perspective.
Sexual health in the Holy Quran.
Dowry in the Quran and its impact on preserving women's dignity.
Rights and interactions between spouses according to the Quran.
Inheritance of spouses in the Quran and its effect on family economic balance.
The relationship between women's economic rights in the Quran and the preservation of women's dignity.